Course outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

I’m working on a Health & Medical question and need guidance to help me study.

Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

  • Examine the advanced practice nurse role in assessment of common geriatric syndromes in the elderly population.
  • Analyze the literature in developing evidence-based recommendations for the chosen geriatric syndrome.

Course outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

MN584-03: Formulate an evidence-based management plan for the frail elderly patients in the primary care setting with acute, episodic, and chronic illnesses, taking consideration of gender, culture, and ethnicity.


Students are to select one of the geriatric syndromes: Polypharmacy, incontinence, failure to thrive, delirium, dementia, frailty, falls, dysphagia, or malnutrition. If you have interest in a topic not listed here, then please discuss with your instructor for approval of your topic.

You are to write a 5-7 page paper on the syndrome to include

  1. An introduction to include selection of a geriatric syndrome and overview of the selected syndrome. The introduction should be 3-4 paragraphs with citations and references.
  2. Review of the literature including research articles, evidence-based guidelines, opinion papers, and/or case studies pertaining to the geriatric syndrome. Articles must be recent (unless a classic article no older than 5 years). Literature is to be on older adults.
  3. A minimum of 3 evidence-based strategies to address the syndrome which can be presented in a chart using an evidence-based evaluation model such as SORT. The table should be included as an appendix and have three columns labelled “Strategy,” “Strength of Recommendation,” and “References.”

For additional information about the SORT approach to grading evidence, review the following article: Ebell et al. (2004). Strength of recommendation taxonomy (SORT): A patient-centered approach to grading evidence in the medical literature. American Family Physician, 69(3), 548-556. Although this approach to grading evidence was published in 2004, it is still commonly used today by several well-known medical journals. The American Family Physician journal provides excellent examples on how to make one of these charts. This journal is available from the library.

To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources.

Assignment Requirements:

Before finalizing your work, you should:

  • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
  • consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
  • utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.
  • Your writing Assignment should:
  • follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
  • be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
  • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
  • use APA 6th Edition format as outlined in the APA Progression Ladder.


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