How many meals do you eat a day and what is a typical meal for you?Suggest additional socioeconomic, spiritual, lifestyle, and other cultural factors related to the patient.

How many meals do you eat a day and what is a typical meal for you?Suggest additional socioeconomic, spiritual, lifestyle, and other cultural factors related to the patient.


1))Suggest additional socioeconomic, spiritual, lifestyle, and other cultural factors related to the patient.
2))Critique your colleague’s targeted questions, and explain how the patient might interpret these questions. Explain whether any of the

questions would apply to your patient, and why.
Case I
Diagnosing and Reasoning a patient situation is pertinent in delivery of care. “guiding learners to transfer their learning to the

practice setting to ultimately improve patient care outcomes. This can only be accomplished if learners understand how to employ their

knowledge to make contextually relevant connections in new situations” (Nursing Education Perspectives, 2015, p.305). The case presented

is of elderly an Asian gentleman who is financially and physically dependent on his daughter. He feels he is a burden to his daughter who

does not have the time to focus on her father’s needs or resources. He has lost 25lbs in six months and has signs of bruises on multiple

areas of his body and he also has history of falls. His BP is elevated and has a low grade temperature. There are many aspects of this

case study. First, the patient does have medical problems such as hypertension and GERD. His hypertension is currently uncontrolled, is

this because of stress, medication noncompliance, or an underlying condition. Second, is the falls and injury the patient appears to have

undergone? Investigation is needed to determine if they were mechanical falls, or possible abuse. Thirdly, is the emotional aspect of how

the patient is currently feeling? Feeling like a burden can lead to anxiety and depression. His daughter also needs to be evaluated

whether she is capable to take care of her father. The 25lb weight loss could bespoke of neglect or negate to the depression the patient

feels in loss of appetite. Lastly, there is the cultural aspect of his Asian heritage which could prevent the patient from revealing

possible issues.
Cultural and Socioeconomic Factors
Cultural factors for this patient could be family dynamics. In my experiences with Asian patients they have very tight family and are very

private. As this patient is very vulnerable and could in fact be alone for majority of the time with his daughter being busy. The cultural

change for him can be very damaging. All questions should be asked with respect and consideration to the feeling of the patient yet focus

on finding the problem. Although the patient is Asian, it is important not to stereotype. With the highly-dimensional United States

population cultural beliefs are often blended. “Cultural humility involves the ability to recognize one’s limitations in knowledge and

cultural perspective and be open to new perspectives. Rather than assuming all patients of a particular culture” (Ball, Dains, Flynn,

Solomon, & Stewart, 2015, p. 23). An example is that the patient may not want to discuss his injuries to either protect his daughter or to

prevent further burden on her.
Socioeconomic factors with this patient include financial dependency on his daughter, medication costs, and possible need for

assistance. This gentleman is high risk for debility, emotional isolation, and also poverty. Questions for concern would be the patients

insurance status, does he qualify for Medicaid. What are the expenses that could be assisted with? Also, is where he is currently residing

with his daughter safe, would an assisting living facility be an option, what are the patient’s desires? As a provider, clinical reasoning

is needed to effectively to patient’s medical condition without burdening the patient financially, determining if he is safe and

emotionally stable.”Clinically reasoning is a situational, practice-based form of reasoning that acknowledges the many variables that are

present in an actual clinical situation, such as social relationships or situations involving patient, family, community, and a team of

health care providers” (Dains, Baumann, & Scheibel, 2016, p. 3).


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