The Nature of Life
I’m stuck on a Writing question and need an explanation.
Lifeforms in our Solar System
There are several interesting types of organisms that could live in extreme conditions in our Solar System. Use the information in the course videos, discussion articles, and other scientific resources to discuss potential life forms in our Solar System.
Choose one of the planets or moons in our solar system (it can be one used for your previous assignment) and:
- Describe three types of life forms that have been discovered on Earth that could survive in the conditions on that planet or moon.
- What are the scientific claims about how these organisms survive in extreme condition?
- What is the evidence for that claim?
- How strong is the evidence? Is there a large body of evidence that this is true or is it still controversial?
Your assignment should have a brief introduction and conclusion.
Assignments not addressing these specific questions will be significantly reduced and may not be accepted.
You will be marked on how well you use evidence from scientifically valid sources (e.g. articles from your discussions or other scientific articles) to make your arguments. You should demonstration your understanding of the unique features of the extremophiles you describe and how they adapt to extreme environments for survival.
Total Word Count should be about 1500 words (about 500 for each lifeform).
You may use APA, MLA, or any other consistent academic format for citations.
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