theories 2

Select one of the following category of theories that attempts to explain why people use drugs as solutions to their mental, emotional, and physical problems:


  • Medical
  • Biological
  • Psychological
  • Sociological


  • Address the following in 3–5 pages:
    • What 2 theories did you select? Briefly identify and describe them.
    • For each theory, answer the following questions:
      • How does this theory explain drug use and abuse? Explain in detail.
      • Does this theory support a strong relationship between drug use and crime? Explain in detail.
    • Find 2 articles about individuals charged with a crime while under the influence of illicit substances. Answer the following questions:
      • Briefly describe the individual, the offense, and the drugs used.
      • How much influence did drugs appear to have on the individual with regard to committing the crime? Explain.
      • Do the cases found in your selected articles support your selected theories? Why or why not? Explain.
    • Based on your research, what is the scope of the relationship between drugs and crime? Explain.
  • Pick 1 country outside the United States that is know for drug production or drug distribution.
  • In 5–6 paragraphs, address the following:
    • What problems exist in the selected country because of the drug trade activities? Explain.
    • What do you think would happen to drug use in the United States if the selected country’s drug activities were eliminated? Explain.
    • How widespread do you feel drug use is in the United States? Explain.
    • Do you think drug use will almost always directly result in crime at some point in the drug user’s life? Why or why not? Explain in detail.
    • What do you think is the best course of action to reduce the occurrence of drug-induced crimes? Explain, and provide an example if applicable.



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