What does non-malfeasance mean?The components of non–malfeasance includes strict avoidance of all other conflicts of interest, in addition to honesty & integrity of full disclosure of all known facts which could do harm.

What does non-malfeasance mean?The components of non–malfeasance includes strict avoidance of all other conflicts of interest, in addition to honesty & integrity of full disclosure of all known facts which could do harm.

What does non-malfeasance mean?

Non-malfeasance: the duty to do no harm; one ought to not do harm.

Origin: French 1690–1700; earlier ‘malfaisance’ “wrongdoing,” from mal- “badly” + faisant, of faire “to do”.

Non-Malfeasance Applied:

The time-honoured principle for medics (the principle of non-malfeasance) establishes a core principle: a medical professional should not harm a patient. It is founded on the Hippocratic Oath (a declaration of key principles for doctors that dates back to the fifth century bc). All doctors are required to swear to this oath, ‘I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgement, but I will never use it to injure or wrong them’. All medical professionals providing a service are expected to remain aware of the risk for harm, and to reduce that risk by all means possible.

The components of non–malfeasance includes strict avoidance of all other conflicts of interest, in addition to honesty & integrity of full disclosure of all known facts which could do harm.

Some would identify the acts of doing good as

removing harm and preventing harm which is ‘The Principle of Beneficence’
the duty of not inflicting harm (omission) ‘The Principle of Non-­malfeasance’.


smilesmile. .


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