Comparison of Don Quixote with either King Arthur or Sundiata, paraphrase help

(15 points)


1.  Compareand contrast Don Quixote with either King Arthur or Sundiata. How are the twofigures you have chosen alike? How are they different? Be sure to use specificexamples from the stories you have read to illustrate your points.


DonQuixote and King Arthur were very similar yet different to each other. Asimilarity would be that they both hold roles, which are considered noble. Theyboth are very sympathetic and genuinely wish the best for those around them. DonQuixote was a normal person who got dubbed a knight, which is a noble positionindeed. Similar to Don Quixote, King Arthur was an ordinary person as wellprior to becoming king, both of these figures came from the same type ofbackground.

Though, inthe story, Don Quixote no longer is a savior as he beings to attack anybody whomade him feel threatened. The readers can perceive him as gullible, because,when Don Quixote saves a small boy from his master, the master makes a promisethat he will never mistreat the young boy ever again. He also commits larcenyas he steals a barber’s basin which he believed was mythic Mambrino’s helmet,and larceny is not an act of a noble man.

These twofigures are very different from each other as King Arthur’s goal is to make hispeople happy and content, when he faced conflict with Mordred he doesn’t attackinstead he decides to create a peace treaty. Had King Arthur been like DonQuixote, he would have attacked his enemy without thinking of the consequencesand sacrifices to be made, as he would have believed that he was a threat tohis safety.

(15 points)


2.  Why isdevotion such an important concept in the love poetry that you have read thissemester? How do the poets whose work you have read this semester address theidea of devotion in their poems? Focus on at least two works and explain theways in which the writers use figurative language and imagery to show thedevotion of a poem’s speaker to his or her beloved. Be sure to cite specifictextual examples in your response.


Devotion is such an important concept in love poetry weread this semester for a number of reasons. The poets treat the idea ofdevotion in their poems by taking advantage of figurative language in order tomake the readers understand the true meaning of devotion.

In “Sonnet 43”, the speaker says that after death, ifit is possible she will love her beloved, even more. She shows the readers thather love for her beloved is everlasting and will not end when she dies. Thereaders can understand that when she says “I shall love thee better afterdeath.” The speaker believes in eternal love and thinks that her feelings aredivine, her feelings could be considered even more special because they’re notrestricted by the rules of nature, which means that the love she has for him isimmortal. The speaker uses a lot of alliteration (thee, candle-light, the…quiet”, as well as describing her love of using metaphors as it reaches to the“depth” and the “height”. The speaker utilizes a lot of figurative language inorder to portray her feelings for her beloved. When she says “I love theefreely, as men strive for right’; I love thee purely as they turn from Praise”she uses a simile. 

In “A Red, Red Rose” Robert Burns uses figurativelanguage in order to show readers how strong his love is. When he says “O myLuve is like a red, red rose” he uses a simile to describe how he feels, hecompares his feelings to a red rose. He also goes on to compare his love to amelody played in a beautiful tune. The author uses hyperbole in this poem to beable to prove to his readers that his love is eternally strong. Examples wouldbe line 9-11:

“Till a’ the seasgang dry, my Dear,

And the rocksmelt wi’ the sun:

O I will lovethee still, my Dear,”

The speaker states that he will love his beloved till theseas run dry, which is something that will never happen.

(15 points)

1.  BothEveline in “Eveline” and Jerry in “Through the Tunnel” face challenges andturning points in their lives. How are their responses alike and how are theydifferent? What is a possible theme of each story? As you plan your answer, be sureto include the challenge each character faces, the turning point in each oftheir lives, and a possible theme of each story. 


In“Eveline,” Eveline faces a great challenge in her life, she is confused as towhether she should stay at home with her family or leave and marry Frank. Whatis keeping Eveline from just leaving and marrying Frank is the sole fact thatshe promised her mother that she would keep the family together, and thus feelsa sense of duty to keep her word. Eveline starts reminiscing about memories of her mother when she hearsthe organ music, which makes her go to the station and elope with Frank. Whenshe arrives at the train station, that is when the story reaches the turningpoint, she holds on to the bars and shows Frank no affection or attention.Eveline was fearful of what the future held for her, thus making her stay withher horrible father who treats her badly.

I think apossible theme of this story is the lust for an escape, since she wants toescape her house and life, because of her father. Another theme could be thatthe future can sometimes be terrifying, Eveline was scared to death to moveforward in her life as she was scared about what the future holds for her,which resulted in her returning home to her father.

In“Through the Tunnel”, Jerry sets a challenge, to swim through the tunnel, toprove to himself that he is just as capable as the local boys. Jerry thoughtthat the local boys could do things he was incapable of doing which causes himto challenge himself to swim through the tunnel, by training everyday to holdhis breath for a long time so he can swim through the tunnel. When he trainsholding his breath, he suffers a lot of nosebleeds which proves to the readers thathis challenge to swim through the tunnel can be very harmful to his health. Thestory reaches the turning point when he thinks he is incapable ofachieving  his goal, but still swimsthrough the tunnel.

The tunnelsymbolizes Jerry’s transition from childhood to adulthood. Possible themes ofthe story is the transition to adulthood, another one is the need to proveyourself in order to showcase your maturity. When Jerry is successful inachieving his goal, he does not tell everyone about his accomplishment, as hebelieves that achieving his goal is enough which is the way of thinking of amore mature person.

Bothstories have a lot of similarities as both Eveline and Jerry face a lot ofinternal conflicts. Jerry feels like he has to prove himself and that he isjust as capable as the other boys whereas Eveline is unsure or not as towhether she should stay home with her horrible father or elope with her belovedFrank.


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