1. Population/Global Health Problem-Based Learning AssignmentThe goal of the assignment is three-fold: (1) to provide you with an overview of some key contemporary population health issues and the way
1. Population/Global Health Problem-Based Learning Assignment
The goal of the assignment is three-fold: (1) to provide you with an overview of some key contemporary population health issues and the ways these issues are constructed; (2) to apply concepts and ideas introduced in class; and (3) to engage in problem-solving in a group setting.
You will work in teams for this assignment. The outputs for the problem-based learning assignment include written products as well as a lightning talk or Pecha Kucha that incorporates information from all the short products. Listed below are the specifics of the assignment.
Task: Imagine that you work for a population health organization or agency in this country or internationally. Your team has been asked by a communications and policy specialist to review what is known about a social problem facing the region your organization serves. You will need to explain how the problem is constructed and discussed, and identify solutions to it.
Group Formation (Feb 25): Students will work in groups of 4 to identify a topic we will encounter in our course readings, weeks 6-9. We will identify these during class time on Feb 25.
Problem Definition and Framing: Each member must report on their research on a different aspect of the problem.
DELIVERABLE: a detailed 3-4 page, single spaced MEMO with appendices that addresses the following:General description of the social problem including relevant quantitative and demographic data as well as myths or preconceptions (anchored in citations to either peer reviewed literature or reports by reputable population health agencies, organizations) about the extent of the problem
Explanation of the causes of the problems paying attention to any gaps between purported causes and actual causes (anchored in citations and examples, where relevant) – tables, graphs, etc are good!
Solutions to the problems as found in the literature, programs that exist already, anchored in your initial understanding of social structures and policies- again: USE DATA from reports on interventions such as the reports linked in the last module (anchored in citations).
Your data-driven evaluation of these solutions and what you would do to address this issue.
Appendices:Bibliography page of source materials – should reflect readings from our class, additional sources such as other peer reviewed scholarship or reports by relevant organizations to the issue you are working on. Credits: of what each group member contributed to the project
** General description of the social problem including relevant quantitative and demographic data as well as myths or preconceptions (anchored in citations to either peer reviewed literature or reports by reputable population health agencies, organizations) about the extent of the problem
Explanation of the causes of the problems paying attention to any gaps between purported causes and actual causes (anchored in citations and examples, where relevant) – tables, graphs, etc are good!
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