Reading Response Papers-1200 words

I don’t understand this Writing question and need help to study.

“Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.” – Plato

Plato’s Republic is the best form of government – only the wise and knowledgeable should rule. Any checks on their discretion and power, especially democratic ones, should be avoided. Discuss. Cite FIVE different authors from: Plato; Aristotle; Polybius; Cicero; Epicurus; Any Federalist Paper that is relevant; any work of John Adams; any work of T. Jefferson; any from reader

I require a 50 word (max) statement of your argument at the top of your first page.

1200 words essay

Key Points to Remember!:

  • Above all else, I want an intelligent answer to the question based on a logical argument grounded in your readings. I require a 50 word (max) statement of your argument at the top of your first page. This statement will answer the question and provide the main reason for your answer (e.g. “The arguments in favor of the Mixed Constitution in the Ancient World are still relevant today because…..”). This statement should be in bold and separate from the rest of your text at the top of the first page.You must provide direct quotes from at least five of the authors listed for each question. (Legal) history papers are written in the past tense… “Locke thought…”, not “Locke thinks…” The word limit is 1200 words – This means no less than 1100 and no more than 1300. Put a word count at the end of your paper.
  • The Basic Structure

    i. Introduction- Short and sweet! Outline your paper’s argument concisely but clearly. Do not write: “My thesis statement is…” Integrate it into your overall paragraph – “This paper argues that…”. State how your paper will make this argument in a logical and clear manner. If I am under ANY doubt at all about what you will be arguing in your paper by the end of the introduction, then your introduction has failed its purpose.

    ii. Main Body- This is your chance to demonstrate what you have read and the critical approach you have taken to the statements in it. There are two important points to remember here: Cite accurately! Please use any recognized citation style of your choosing, but please stick to one style consistently. Do not cite needlessly. If you cannot explain how telling me Socrates was born in 469BC develops your argument, then it’s unnecessary.

    3. The best papers will include outside readings beyond the primary sources. You are not required to use outside readings, but I have provided many on each topic in the ‘Readings’ folder on Blackboard. You must cite these accurately.

    4. Use of Ibid – If you cite consecutively from the same source or reading, you may substitute the bibliographical data on all but the first cite with the term “Ibid” (Ibidem is Latin for “the same place”. You still need a page number. This only works on consecutive citations – if anything comes in between, you need full data again.

    iii. Conclusion

    The conclusion is the (first and) last thing I will read of your paper, so MAKE IT COUNT! When writing the conclusion, take the opportunity to reiterate in highly abbreviated form, the key points, themes or arguments from the body of your essay that you believe best support the paper’s argument. Avoid introducing new arguments in the conclusion

    How should I cite the reference or citation?

    1. The first page of the Class Reader explains how to cite from it.Below is an example of how you should cite from the Class Reader:
      1. For both in-text or footnote citations: Plato, Class Reader, pg. 38
      2. For your bibliography, give more detailed information about what your are citing from the Class Reader:

    Plato. The Republic, Book 2. Class Reader.

    Polybius. The Histories. Book 6, Parts 2-18, Parts 43-57.Class Reader.

    c For sources not from the Class Reader, please cite them in accordance with your preferred citation style guide (such as APA, Chicago Style, etc).I have no preference as to citation style – just use one style consistently through each paper.

    The readings you should use.( reading from class)

    Michael W. Austin, Standards of Critical Thinking: Thinking Towards Truth

    Plato, The Apology of Socrates

    Plato, Crito

    Xenophon, Apology of Socrates

    Plato, The Republic, Book 2

    Plato, The Republic, Book 3

    Plato, The Republic, Book 5

    Plato, The Republic, Book 7

    Aristotle, The Politics, Book 2

    Aristotle, The Politics, Book 4

    Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, Book 10, Paragraph 9


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