Please remember that spelling and grammar are important in this class. 2 points of the possible 10 points for this assignment are for spelling and grammar. If you feel you need help, there are online writing tutors available or tutors in the Writing Cen

I’m stuck on a Business Law question and need an explanation.

Please remember that spelling and grammar are important in this class. 2 points of the possible 10 points for this assignment are for spelling and grammar. If you feel you need help, there are online writing tutors available or tutors in the Writing Center. See the student resource module.

The required text reference is worth 2 points. This is the text and not an outside source. An outside source or incomplete reference to our textbook will earn -0- points. Here is a suggested way to reference the text: Page 59 / Chapter 5 / 9th Edition. It is important that business students pay attention to the details.

Questions 1, 2, and 3 are worth 1 point each. Question 4 is worth 2 points.

The overall brief analysis is worth 1 point.

The videos are in the Quiz itself.

Did I mention that you must reference our textbook and watch your spelling and grammar? 🙂

Watch these two videos and the one companion article. They are about three highly publicized incidents where actions by employees forced each company to take a drastic and unusual action. As you watch, think about the ethics of what is happening. Then in 1-2 sentences per number, answer the questions. Spelling and grammar count. There must be at least one text reference (page/chapter/edition).

There is no right or wrong answer. There is only a complete answer that is supported by a complete reference to the text.………

1. Do you think the children students who were admitted to these elite schools based on their parents’ bribery should be allowed to stay in that college? Why?

2. Consider the case of the migrant children being held in detention facilities. Is the US government displaying ethical behavior in this situation as they say they are complying with the law as written?

3. Read and watch the video on Katelyn Ohashi. Who do you see exhibiting unethical behavior? Explain?

4. Think about the Approaches to Ethical Reasoning, Duty-Based Ethics and Outcome Based Ethics. Which approach do you think the management of Department of Homeland Security used when implementing their housing of migrant children in Clint, TX? Which approach should the management of USC use? Which approach should have been used by the unethical party in the Ohashi case? Explain?



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