Dietary Analysis Activity: Keep a one-day food record of your own diet. Write down everything that you consume (food and beverages, including water) in measuring amounts (cups, ounces, grams, etc) and

Dietary Analysis Activity:

  1. Keep a one-day food record of your own diet. Write down everything that you consume (food and beverages, including water) in measuring amounts (cups, ounces, grams, etc) and your activities (exercise, etc).
  2. Download My Fitness Pal to your phone (preferably), computer, or smart device.
  3. Log and create a free profile account on the APP or at
  4. Set up your profile information by entering your age, weight, height, and gender, etc.
  5. Proceed to enter the food you ate by searching for and entering the foods and amounts eaten for the one day.
  6. Enter your exercise for one day. Record your calories burned (average and goal).  Create a Table of your data.  Call it Table 1 Current Age.  Add this information to Table 1.
  7. Proceed to “Diary” and click on “Nutrition.” Record the following information in Table 1:
  8. Go to “Home.” Click on “More” (bottom right corner of APP); Select “My Profile.” Click on “Edit Profile.”  Change your profile to reflect that of a person age 75.
  9. Gather the same Nutrition and Calories data that you did in #6 and #7 based on age 75. Create a similar table (Table 2 Age 80) based on age 80. Please make your 80-year-old example: 2 inches shorter and 10-20 pounds lighter depending on your current weight.  Study the DRI Reference tables in this link:  DietaryReferenceIntakes.pdf.  Note and document ALL nutrient changes/needs that occur between your age and 80 years in the age comparison in the table.  Examine all nutrients listed on DRI tables; not just those available in MyFitnessPal.Actions
  10. Lastly, rate and discuss your health now and at 80 years based on the “Determine Your Nutritional Health” assessment found in Figure 5.4a and b of the textbook.
  11. Write a two-page reaction paper at the beginning of your document file making reference to Tables 1 and 2 (located sequentially after your paper in the document) as you analyze and discuss your data. Include a brief introduction of the topic, results (Tables 1 and 2 and nutritional health assessment results), discussion of your results (be sure to compare and take note of the similarities and differences in Tables 1 and 2 along with your nutritional health results), and summary/conclusions noting which nutrients you need more or less of due to the age change and factors that are likely to impact your nutritional health as you age – and how to make those changes in your current diet. Refer to chapter 6 information and the DRIs for older adult’s PDF file for support. Include your name, date, and class information at the beginning of your document.
  12. Please submit your Dietary Analysis Activity by uploading and attaching your dietary analysis activity MS Word or Rich-Text file to the module 6 activity submission assignment. A total of 40 points are possible, 10 per each nutrient intake table and 20 for the paper.


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