Food Journal 19201679


Step 1: Pull out your food journal

Using your own diet  analysis,  set up a dietary consultation as if you were with a client.  The client may be fictional or yourself

  • Create a goal for your “client”.  It can be a made up goal or one that you have for yourself.
  • Analyze your diet by looking at the diet and exercise as a whole over the duration of your journal

Some things to include:

  • Determine any dietary suggestions that may be necessary to meet the client’s goal
  • Does the client (or you) eat more over the weekend?
  • Does the client (or you) eat more during the week?
  • Do your exercise patterns change during the week compared to the weekend?
  • Does  your macronutrient (Fat, Protein, and Carbohydrates) break out work  towards the overall goal for yourself or your “client? If yes, Explain  why.  If no, How can you improve to meet the nutritional goal?
  • Based  on your Food log, clients body composition, and overall health goal-  determine if the goal was realistic to achieve.  If yes, explain why.   If not, how would you help them to create a realistic goal

Your  food recommendations paper should be a minimum of 2-3 pages in length,  APA formatted, properly cited reference page, 12 point font.

Step 2: Create a Food Journal Portfolio

Include in this order:

  • Title page
  • Personal Food Journal
  • Food Journal Analysis
  • Food Recommendations for a fictional client or yourself
  • Reference Page

All components to your portfolio must be presented in essay style APA format, include properly cited reference page, title page, and 12 point font.


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