can you write me a 3 page paper on the movie the martian that explains the plot story also a summary of the essay

The Martian

Plot/story: what happens and in what order; what we understand from that narrative arrangement

This assignment will be a collaborative one, with each student writing a draft of part of the team’s project and all students on a team collaborating on the final team project. Each team should submit an approximately 12-15-page typewritten paper analyzing the representation of gender and science/technology in the chosen film. Our initial team meetings should focus on discussing the film and the requirements of the assignment. Make note of what messages about gender roles and the development and use of science/technology are represented in the film; Claudia Springer’s essay “The Pleasure of the Interface” in Sex/Machine provides a model of an interpretive argument concerning media representations of gender and technology.

What are the social/ethical messages about the appropriate use of science or technology or the appropriate social roles for men and women in science OR regarding women’s and men’s use of technology in the film? Which component features of the film help to convey this message about gender and science or gender and technology?

The essay should be typed using double spacing; each team member can type his/her part of the final draft (you can indicate name of author of section) and sections can be collated later either electronically or by arranging pages. Number each page. Use one-inch justified margins on the top, bottom, and left side and a ragged one-inch right margin. Staple pages in the upper left corner; please do not use any covers. Put the following on the title page: the title of the essay, your names, the title of the course, my name, the semester in which you are taking the course, and the due date of the assignment. Put all references to class texts parenthetically within the text of the paper (see 3 above); if you consult other materials, please indicate those with a short parenthetical reference and a works cited page. Keep a copy of the paper for your files.

Also write me a summary of your part of the essay


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