Discussion Question 1

How might you go about creating a literacy-rich environment in your classroom? Share specific examples of literature you would consider essential reading for students. Why these?

college essay

i need a 3 page college application essay saying why i should get accepted to the university and explaining how i just moved here three years ago and after adjusting and gettinfg used to college here i am ready to transfer out to a university. i am majoring in biology and trying to get into physician assitant school. i love my major other than that im good at sketching and drawing. i got awareded a gold medal for my drawings after they were sent to singapore for a competiton at the age of 7 or 8. i have even learned bharatnatyam for about 5 years. i live away from my parents and that has made me more responsible and independent. i want the paper to be really intresting and not just stating academical facts. 

Click on Articles amp; Databases through the APUS library. Then, click quot;Ebsco Suite.quot; Click on quot;Continue.quot; Which one of the

Click on Articles & Databases through the APUS library. Then, click “Ebsco Suite.” Click on “Continue.” Which one of the following is listed under “Search Modes and Expanders”? A.Relevance B.Publication date (most recent first) C.Author D.Boolean/Phrase

Teen Pregnancy

This is a short assignment. Evaluate cases of teen pregancies and the steps that can be taken to ensure that these pregnancies are reduced. In thwo pages, address aspects such as Who is to Blame? whether the Parents are doing enough? What the teen need to know and the place of morality in all this. No need for Sources and you can use MLA or APA.

Graded Discussion 1:  Avoiding Plagiarism with APA Writing StylePrepareReview the Discussion Requirements above.ResearchReview the Academic Integrity and Plagiarism(http://ucumberlands.libguides.com/

Graded Discussion 1:  Avoiding Plagiarism with APA Writing Style


Review the Discussion Requirements above.


Review the Academic Integrity and Plagiarism(http://ucumberlands.libguides.com/c.php?g=504168) video.  Then research at least two recent articles concerning plagiarism incidents in the news.  The article should be no more than two years old.  Use the issue presented in the article to continue the discussion using the guidelines below.


Identify and discuss the plagiarized issue within the article, in what way did the plagiarized work impact others?, what was the penalty? Present your own advice on how to prevent future plagiarism.


You should make your main post (approximately 500 words, not to exceed two paragraphs) 

Employees trimmed jobs from their payrolls in June for the sixth straight month, as the government’s closely watched report on Thursday showed…

Employees trimmed jobs from their payrolls in June for the sixth straight month, as the government’s closely watched report on Thursday showed continued weakness in the labour market. …..The June number brought to 438,000 the number of jobs lost by the U.S economy so far this year. ….The job losses in the monthly report were concentrated in manufacturing and construction, two sectors that have been badly battered in the current economic downturn.

CNN, 3July 2008

  1. Based on the news clip, list and explain the main type of unemployment in U.S during this period.                     

pharmaceutical companies charge different prices for prescription drugs to buyers in different nations, depending on elasticity of demand and…

U.S. pharmaceutical companies charge different prices for prescription drugs to buyers in different nations, depending on elasticity of demand and government-imposed price ceilings. Explain why these companies, for profit reasons, oppose laws allowing re-importation of drugs to the United States.

Definition Essay on the word OPPORTUNITY

MLA format

500-700 words (This does not include the title page or reference page)

You must write a descriptive essay in which you define a word OPPORTUNITY. You need to use at least two resources to prove your claims but no more than four outside sources. TRemember not to use the standard dictionary or Wikipedia as sources. You will write Assignment #1 for a general audience that would include your classmates. All essays should be in MLA format. Your essay should be between 500-750 words. This paper must be written in third person, which avoids the use of first person pronouns: no I, no me, no my, no we!

Use the attachment as a template.


Quality needed. Kindly provide quality work. No plagiarism no grammar errors. Excellent English please

I need help with a Business question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Provide Quality original work. No plagiarism no grammar typos. Should be formarted in APA. Read the link I have provided below and summarize. I only need 250 words

Make sure the questions in the first link in the photo are answered. the paper should be in word format


Part 2

Part 1 is attached below

Assignment 2.2: Justification Report – Part 2 Due Week 5 and worth 150 points In Part 1 of your Justification Report assignment, you built up the following sections: Problem Statement, Overview of Alternatives, Criteria, and Methods. In Part 2, you will revise Part 1 based on your instructor’s suggestions and add to it the following sections: Evaluation of Alternatives, Findings and Analysis, and References. Use the basic outline below to draft your paper. Organize your responses to each question under the following section headings:

  • Evaluation of Alternatives (for Questions 1-3)
  • Findings and Analysis (for Questions 4-5)
  • References (for Question 6)

Using the provided template, write Part 2 of a single-spaced report in which you:

  1. Include and revise the sections from Assignment 2.1 (Problem Statement, Overview of Alternatives, Criteria, and Methods) per instructor suggestions.
  2. Research the two (2) alternatives (i.e. possible solutions) that you’ve identified in your Part 1 Evaluation of Alternatives section. Record bibliographic information during research.
    1. Example: You might research other organizations that have attempted similar solutions to the problem you have identified and explore the results of those experiments. 
  3. Use what you discover in your research to evaluate each alternative by each of your five (5) criteria.
    1. Example: If your research revealed that four (4) companies similar to yours increased productivity after allowing their workers to telework from home three days per week, you might conclude that one of your suggested alternatives – in this case, the option to telework from home three days per week – satisfies one of your criterion of “Productivity” as a high-potential solution to a problem you’ve identified (of decreased worker morale and productivity at Doe’s Electronics). However, additional research might frustrate a recommendation of this alternative if it is found to fall short of other criteria while a second alternative fares better. For instance, a telework alternative might be found to be too costly to implement; too frustrating for consumers who prefer daily, in-person customer service; or too divergent from the company’s brand, “Always there for you!”
  4. Organize the assignment by your criteria. Explain in narrative form how each of your two (2) alternatives stacks up against your first criterion. Next, explain how each alternative stacks up against your second criterion, etc.
    1. Example: An abbreviated outline of what this longer section might look like based on the above example is below (Note: Only the first two [2] of five [5] required criteria are included to give you a feel for the structure). Your researched findings, represented as circled bullets below, should be explained in two to five (2-5) sentences. Include in-text citations and follow up with References in APA style): Evaluation of Alternatives
  • Productivity


  • Alternative A: Telework from home three (3) days per week
    • {narrate findings based on research article 1 here}
  • Alternative B: Offer two (2) extra Floating Holidays to each employee per year
    • {narrate findings based on research article 2 here}
  • Cost
  • Alternative A: Telework from home three (3) days per week
    • {narrate findings based on research article 1 here}
  • Alternative B: Offer two extra Floating Holidays to each employee per year
    • {narrate findings based on research article 2 here}
  1. *Feasability = Capability of an alternative being carried out with success
  2. Include an APA style (6th edition) References page that documents the two (2) sources (minimum) that you used and cited in-text in your Evaluation of Alternatives section. You may use secondary resources, or you may include one primary source and one secondary source. Remember that both in-text citations and References must be included (to avoid plagiarism) whenever you are directly quoting, summarizing, or paraphrasing researched material.

Your assignment must:

  • Be typed, single spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Support ideas or claims in body paragraphs with clear details, examples, and explanations.
  • Organize ideas logically by using transitional words, phrases, and sentences.
  • Use sentence variety and effective word choice in written communication.
  • Apply writing process strategies to develop formal business reports and / or proposals.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues related to selected topics.
  • Write clearly and concisely using proper writing mechanics.

Consider the feedback from your professor and / or online tutor when making your revisions. Click here to view the grading rubric.