DIscussion due at 3pm pacific time on 8/5/2017, questions due on 8/6/2017


How do you prioritize which of your wants to satisfy in what order with your limited resources? Feel free to provide examples, either real or imagined. 200 words


Answer the following:  Chapter 1: Questions 1, 2, 3, and 6  Chapter 2: Questions 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8

Questions are attached. Your completed Homework assignment should be at least three to four pages in length. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references and citations used must be in APA style.

Under perfect competition, where in the long run firms earn zero economic profit, do sellers have a preference of earning zero economic profit with

Under perfect competition, where in the long run firms earn zero economic profit, do sellers have a preference of earning zero economic profit with their product being sold at a higher price or a lower price?

Equal Access to Health Care and Food Justice/Food Deserts

DUE 1/26/17

This discussion presents the opportunity for you to address the inequality of access to health care in the United States using moral and ethical reasoning.There is overwhelming evidence that social inequalities affect health outcomes. Many argue that lack of health care access due to poverty is a human rights concern in the United States that should be subject to public and social justice inquiry. As such, the Affordable Care Act was implemented to promote health equity. While there are some that have reported favorable outcomes with respect to health care access, others have reported unfavorable experiences.

What is your perspective on the ethics of providing universal health care to all U.S. citizens, and how well do you think the Affordable Care Act has addressed this cause? Prepare an academically-informed post to address this question. In doing so, consider both the ethical and moral reasons for supporting the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and also a possible shortfall or problem with this policy.You may talk about your own experiences( I don’t have any experiences with Affordable Care Act because I have health care through work so just use academic research) but must also use academic research to support your arguments.

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required resources and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite any references in APA style

I have attached chapter 5 from the text book.

DUE 1/26/17

The purpose of this discussion is to offer you the opportunity to debate the issue of food justice and food deserts. Food deserts are significant issues in poorer neighborhoods in the United States. In many of these neighborhoods, the only access to food is through local convenience stores or fast food restaurants. This severely limits the options for the poor to have access to fresh, wholesome food and has been evidenced as a key reason for the obesity epidemic in the United States. This issue is encompassed in the overarching topic of food justice, which also highlights public access to genetically modified or organic foods and the issues of equal access to positive food options in light of public health and social inequality. Prepare and post a response to the following prompt:

Read the Hilmers article, Neighborhood Disparities in Access to Healthy Foods and Their Effects on Environmental Justice. Assume that your town is a food desert and you would like to do something about it. Prepare an argument to present to your local town council that outlines an idea to offer healthy food options to your town.Use at least one ethical theory or perspective to support the moral or ethical reasoning for why this program should be implemented.

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required resources and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite any references in APA style

I have attached the theories file.

TOPIC: The English 102 final essay must dispel a commonly held myth in American culture. To produce a successful essay students must choose their topic wisely.Submissions will be graded as formal writ

TOPIC: The English 102 final essay must dispel a commonly held myth in American culture. To produce a successful essay students must choose their topic wisely.

Submissions will be graded as formal writing. Use MLA conventions at all times. All proposals should be written in paragraph form. The tone of the submission should be to try to convince the reader (me) that this topic will work for the final research essay. Proposals will be graded according to if they are thorough and complete. Although there is no minimum or maximum length for this assignment, it would be difficult to accomplish these goals without submitting at least three pages of writing and a works cited.

● Essay topics must be about current cultural myths.

● Your myth must be commonin the USA. By common, we mean held by a large majority.

● There must be a negative consequence to the myth of some kind your final essay will attempt to reverse.

● There must be available traditional

and non-traditionalresearch to prove your claim.

● Avoidoverly political, awkward, and controversial topics.

In your proposal you must:

● Propose a preliminary thesis for your final essay.

● Explain why this issue matters in our world. What are the harmful consequences of the myth?

● Spell out how you will prove this myth exists.

● Reveal how you will prove this myth is false.

● Describe at least one way you will use non-traditional research to support your claims.

● Identify at least two formal research sources you have found that will appear in your final essay.

● Include a works cited for all sources referenced.

All topics must be approved through the research proposal process. If a student wishes to change their topic after the initial proposal, they will have to restart the full process. For that reason, changing topics is strongly discouraged and will not be permitted near the end of the term.

ACC 556 Budget Planning and Control essay

I need support with this Accounting question so I can learn better.

Assignment 1: Budget Planning and Control Due Week 8 and worth 200 points Before approaching this assignment, be sure that you have watched the following video: • Wiley (2011, September 28). Budgetary planning featuring Babycakes *full video* [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frh3I2rVDzs Babycakes, a specialty bakery, is the company that will be considered for all parts of your budget planning and control report. For this assignment, you will develop a 3–4-page paper in which you address the following. 1. Briefly discuss the ways a realistic budget will benefit the owner of Babycakes versus no budget at all. Be sure to use Babycakes as the company and any specific product details in your explanation. 2. Prepare a sales budget for the LA Babycakes store for the fourth quarter of 2016. Present the number of units, sales price, and total sales for each month; include October, November, and December, and the total for the quarter. Use one half of the Valentine’s Day sales as the basis for a usual day in the new quarter. Use 30 days for each month. Calculate the total sales for each month for October, November, and December. 3. Create three new products, one for each of the three holiday seasons in the fourth quarter. Estimate the sales units, sales price, and total sales for each month. Describe the assumptions used to make these estimates. Include an overview of the budget in the report, presenting the actual budget as an appendix with all the data and calculations. Add these amounts to your sales budget. 4. The owner of Babycakes is interested in preparing a flexible budget rather than the static budget she currently uses. She does not understand why, when sales increase, her static budget often shows an unfavorable variance. Explain how a flexible budget will overcome this problem. Use the details of your newly prepared budget for the fourth quarter of 2016 to address her concern. 5. Imagine that Babycakes is facing a financial challenge that is causing the actual amount of money that it spends to become significantly more than its budgeted amount. Include a discussion of your own unique cause of the overspending. Explain the corrective actions needed to address these challenges. 6. Integrate relevant information from at least three quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Please do not use your textbook as an academic resource. Also, Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as quality academic resources. You have access to Strayer University’s Online Library at https://research.strayer.edu and the iCampus University Library Research page at https://icampus.strayer.edu/library/research. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: • Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with 1-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length. • An abstract is not required. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are as follows: • Assess how accounting tools and techniques influence business planning, decision-making, and control. • Evaluate financial accounting tools and techniques that convert financial accounting data into information for decision-making.

Some workers in the economy are paid a flat salary and some are paid by commission. Which compensation scheme would require more monitoring by

 Some workers in the economy are paid a flat salary and some are paid by commission.

Which compensation scheme would require more monitoring by supervisors? In which

case do firms have an incentive to pay more than the equilibrium level? What factors do

you think determine the type of compensation firms choose?


 There are 1-2 page journal reflections assigned for every reading

assignment. Students are required to reflect upon the reading material. Each journal entry must include

quotes from the reading that was assigned that week. Reflections should include a very brief

description of the main thesis in readings but MOST of the journal entry should focus on drawing out

certain themes that incited their emotions, insights, thoughts, and/or curiosities.

Assume that the listed amounts constitute this bank’s complete set of accounts. Moolah’s:

Assume that the listed amounts constitute this bank’s complete set of accounts. Moolah’s:

One of the concepts covered in this week’s readings from the textbook is economies of scale.

One of the concepts covered in this week’s readings from the textbook is economies of scale. First, provide definition of economies of scale and how this concept is tied into a firm’s production costs. You can also cover any related concepts such as economies of scope, diseconomies of scale, etc. in your discussion.

Next, read this article that highlights the concept of economies of scale in start-ups. What points raised by the author did you find to be particularly helpful (or not helpful) in thinking through this issue? Do you have any points of disagreement with the author?

Finally, provide your own example of a company that you think has achieved economies of scale, economies of scope OR diseconomies of scale. Discuss why you think the company has achieved this position and what you think are the main factors to consider as the company looks to the future.

Link article: https://www.worldfinance.com/strategy/start-ups-are-growing-like-never-before-thanks-to-economies-of-scale

student would demonstrate their understanding of Weber’s concepts: charisma, charismatic authority, and the routinization of charisma by writing about a past or present figure who embodies the definition of Weber’s charismatic authority

I’m studying for my Sociology class and need an explanation.

German sociologist Max Weber introduced three types of authority: traditional, rational-legal, and charismatic- each of which would help explain the types of leadership found in society. Moreover, Weber seemed to favor charismatic authority, and spent a good deal of time discussing it which influenced many scholars and thinkers alike to examine charismatic authority across various institutions (i.e. sports, religion, politics, etc.). According to Weber, authority is legitimate domination and charismatic authority is legitimated by its followers belief in the exceptional sanctity, heroism, or exemplary character of the charismatic leader (Ritzer 2019: 39-40).