Draft Argumentative Research Paper ProposalIdentify a contemporary social problem or issue, which involves exploring two to three related topics of interest to you – again, these topics should be re

Draft Argumentative Research Paper Proposal

  1. Identify a contemporary social problem or issue, which involves exploring two to three related topics of interest to you – again, these topics should be related to each other, even if the connection is distant/tenuous.
  2. For topic suggestions, consult the following podcast sites: Spreaker, https://www.spreaker.com; This American Life, http://www.thisamericanlife.org; or, This I Believe, http://thisibelieve.org. 
  3. For more suggestions for contemporary topics, consider these links: Feministing, http://feministing.com; Broadly_Vice, http://www.vice.com/video/welcome-to-broadly-trailer,  and Broadly-Vice, https://broadly.vice.com/en_us
  4. For additional suggestions for contemporary social problems (useful for research) consider this link from The New York Times’ “The Learning Network”: 2014, http://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/02/04/200-prompts-for-argumentative-writing/?_r=0 and 2015/2016, http://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/02/05/301-prompts-for-argumentative-writing/
  5. For additional support developing your research topic, see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXNztCLYgxc and https://youtu.be/eucaKFa52xA?t=2m33s (begin this last video at 2:33)

2. Consider conducting a preliminary search for information about your topics using the “Find A Source” tool in Pearson Writer (the access code came bundled with your textbook, Academic Research and Writing).

3.  Read Chapter 4 in Academic Research and Writing and Issue 4 in Understanding Rhetoric.

4.  Follow the process (steps 1-5) that is outlined beginning on pp. 61-67 in Academic Research and Writing.

5.  Take notes from your sources as outlined on pp. 69-74 in Academic Research and Writing.

6.  Craft a preliminary thesis or hypothesis using the suggestions on pp. 75-76 in Academic Research and Writing. You should also review pp. 150-156 in Understanding Rhetoric for additional information on developing argumentative claims.

7.  Read pp. 76-81; use the “Proposal Questions” on pp. 78 and the sample on pp. 78-80 in Academic Research and Writing to prepare your proposal.

Basic Requirements

1.  750 (minimum) to 1000 (maximum) words essay

2.   MLA or APA document style


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