Friendly and Professional (2 Questions)

This discussion presents the opportunity for you to address the inequality of access to health care in the United States using moral and ethical reasoning. There is overwhelming evidence that social inequalities affect health outcomes. Many argue that lack of health care access due to poverty is a human rights concern in the United States that should be subject to public and social justice inquiry. As such, the Affordable Care Act was implemented to promote health equity. While there are some that have reported favorable outcomes with respect to health care access, others have reported unfavorable experiences.

What is your perspective on the ethics of providing universal health care to all U.S. citizens, and how well do you think the Affordable Care Act has addressed this cause? Prepare an academically-informed post to address this question. In doing so, consider both the ethical and moral reasons for supporting the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and also a possible shortfall or problem with this policy. You may talk about your own experiences but must also use academic research to support your arguments.

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length.

Food Justice/Food Deserts 

The purpose of this discussion is to offer you the opportunity to debate the issue of food justice and food deserts. Food deserts are significant issues in poorer neighborhoods in the United States. In many of these neighborhoods, the only access to food is through local convenience stores or fast food restaurants. This severely limits the options for the poor to have access to fresh, wholesome food and has been evidenced as a key reason for the obesity epidemic in the United States. This issue is encompassed in the overarching topic of food justice, which also highlights public access to genetically modified or organic foods and the issues of equal access to positive food options in light of public health and social inequality. Prepare and post a response to the following prompt:

Read the Hilmers article, Neighborhood Disparities in Access to Healthy Foods and Their Effects on Environmental Justice (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Assume that your town is a food desert and you would like to do something about it. Prepare an argument to present to your local town council that outlines an idea to offer healthy food options to your town. Use at least one ethical theory or perspective to support the moral or ethical reasoning for why this program should be implemented.

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length.


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