In a paper 1,000 words, discuss potential growth opportunities and strategies for Toyota and compare the advantages and disadvantages of the identified strategic alternatives demonstrate insightful co
In a paper 1,000 words, discuss potential growth opportunities and strategies for Toyota and compare the advantages and disadvantages of the identified strategic alternatives demonstrate insightful connections as to how the opportunities can create value for the company.
1. Conduct a SWOT analysis for your selected company and discuss your findings. What advantages does your company have over its competition? What opportunities exist in the industry from which your company can benefit? Who is your company’s competition, and what types of risks might they pose? What weak areas could your company improve to compete with its strongest competitors?
SWOT analysis thoroughly addresses the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the corporation, assessing how the company might maximize its strengths and capitalize on advantageous opportunities while minimizing its weaknesses and avoiding environmental threats.
2. How would you use a decision matrix to identify the leading alternative? Explain how you determined the values used to distinguish between each option. What about the matrix, if anything, may be limiting in its use value to an analyst or decision maker?
Explanation of how to use a decision matrix to identify a leading alternative and the rationale for doing so demonstrate focus on key strengths and weaknesses of using the matrix as an analytical tool.
3. What factors might inhibit the success of the optimal strategic alternative identified? How can the issues you identified be addressed and corrected?
Assessment of possible strategic alternative inhibitors demonstrates discerning or critical thought, and steps to address and correct issues draw insightful connections between the company researched and its potential growth opportunities.
4. Growing an organization is not always about increasing the size of the firm. If expansion is not the main focus, what other elements lend themselves to growth of the firm? How might each be achieved?
Elements of organizational growth demonstrate discerning or critical thought, and steps to achieve proposed growth measures draw insightful connections to the company researched.
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