part 2 marketing research planning implementation and analysis

This is part two of part one (please review part one in which it has already been completed).

Please see attachment just to review part one and work on part two.

Part 2 – 20% of the final grade

This final project is in lieu of a final exam.

In most instances, marketing research can be reduced to five questions:

  1. What do we need to know?
  2. What will we ask?
  3. Whom will we ask?
  4. How will we ask them?
  5. How will we interpret their answers?

This assignment requires you to survey the organization/enterprise at which you are employed, or an organization of which you are a member, such as a church, school, club, etc., and identify one of its most pressing marketing needs about which it should conduct some sort of marketing research. After explaining this in detail, including the needs and reasons for conducting the research, you should then detail the methodology you would recommend that the organization employ to obtain the data.

A simple example of a need might be that the organization is concerned about membership numbers and wants to formulate a course of action regarding future decisions.

Although this final project is not due until weeks 7 and 8, you need to begin thinking about it immediately. Your choice of organization should be submitted to your instructor in week 2 for comment and suggestions.

Part 2 (20% of final grade)

Part 2 of the paper should involve gathering the data, analyzing said data, and deriving inferences and/or conclusions as presented and interpreted so the user/client will be able to make better decisions and/or take necessary action.

4. Collect the data. (Use the free version of the SurveyMoney survey tool, described below).

5. Analyze the data.

6. Formulate conclusions and prepare the report.

Submit part 2 by the due date identified in the course schedule. It should be a typed, double-spaced paper (see guidelines under assignment 1 above), no less than three pages and no more than five pages.

Google Forms or SurveyMonkey:

If you choose, you may use Google Forms or SurveyMonkey (or any other online survey tool) to facilitate your research collection and analysis.

To use Google Forms, go to and follow the prompts to create your survey.

There are paid and free versions of SurveyMonkey. To sign up for a free SurveyMonkey accout, go to SurveyMonkey ( and subscribe to a free account using the following steps:

  1. Click on “Sign up FREE” (right side of screen)
  2. Fill out the contact form
  3. Click on +Create Survey
  4. Give your survey/project a title
  5. Select a category (I would recommend “Market Research”)
  6. Click on “Add Question” (middle of page)
  7. Type the Question Text and then choose the Question Type
  8. Fill in the Answer Options
  9. Check relevant boxes under Answer Options
  10. Click on “Save & Add Next Question” (bottom right side of screen)
  11. Repeat for all your questions
  12. When done, click on “Preview Survey”, then “Send Survey” (bottom right)

The following grading rubric applies to part 2 of this assignment: 20 points


Does not meet expectations

Minimally meets expectations

Meets some expectations

Meets or exceeds expectations

Data Collection Methodology

0 points

1 point

2.5 points

4 points

Student identified the appropriate data collection methodology regarding the pressing need or problem.

Student failed to identify the appropriate data collection methodology regarding the organization’s need or problem.

Student minimally and/or erroneously identified an appropriate data collection methodology regarding the organization’s need or problem.

Student partially and/or erroneously identified an appropriate data collection methodology regarding the organization’s need or problem.

Student fully identified the appropriate data collection methodology regarding the organization’s need or problem and explained the methodology clearly and thoroughly.

Data Ordering & Analysis

0 points

1 point

2.5 points

4 points

Student ordered the data and analyzed the results, drawing appropriate inferences about the meaning of the data, including patterns identified in the data, formulating supportable conclusions from the data.

Student failed to order the data and/or analyze the results, drawing inappropriate inferences about the meaning of the data. Student also failed to identify and/or include patterns from the data, and s/he did not formulate supportable conclusions from the data.

Student minimally ordered the data and/or analyzed the results, drawing minimal inferences about the meaning of the data. Student may have identified and included patterns in the data, but analysis was vague and/or inconsistent. Student may have formulated some supportable conclusions from the data but conclusions were insufficient.

Student partially ordered the data and/or analyzed the results, drawing some appropriate inferences about the meaning of the data. Student identified some patterns in the data, but analysis was insufficient or incorrect. Student formulated some supportable conclusions but conclusions were weak and/or inappropriate.

Student thoroughly ordered the data and analyzed the results, drawing and reporting appropriate inferences about the meaning of the data, including patterns identified in the data. Student included supportable and detailed conclusions from the data.

Communication of Research

0 points

1 point

2.5 points

4 points

Student communicated the conclusions in a logical, organized report to the intended audience.

Student did not communicate the conclusions in a logical or organized report to the intended audience.

Student minimally communicated the conclusions. The report was confusing and/or incorrect in its presentation to the intended audience.

Student only partially or vaguely communicated the conclusions. The report may have been illogical and/or disorganized in its presentation to the intended audience.

Student fully communicated the conclusions from the research in a logical, organized report to the intended audience.

What did you Learn?

0 points

1 point

2.5 points

4 points

Student provided input about what s/he learned from Parts I and II of the Final Project in terms of identifying a problem to research, surveying individuals, analyzing the data, and communicating the final results in an organized and coherent fashion.

The student provided minimal to no discussion of what s/he learned from the Final Project assignment, including failure to adequately describe the process to identify a problem to research, survey a group, analyze the data, and communicate the final results.

The student provided only a minimal discussion of what s/he learned from the Final Project assignment, including a minimal description of the process used to identify a problem to research, survey a group, analyze the data, and communicate the final results. Input was inconsistent, vague, confusing, and/or illogical.

The student provided only a partial discussion of what s/he learned from the Final Project assignment, including a partial description of the process used to identify a problem to research, survey a group, analyze the data, and communicate the final results. Input was interesting but insufficient in conveying lessons learned.

Student provided a comprehensive discussion of what s/he learned from the Final Project assignment, including a comprehensive description of the process used to identify a problem to research, survey a group, analyze the data, and communicate the final results.

Formatting & Documentation

0 points

1 point

2.5 points

4 points

Paper uses accurate grammar, spelling, and sentence structure. The paper is between 3-5 pages in length, has a cover page, and uses Arial or Times New Roman font. Margin and spacing requirements are met. Paper conforms to the APA Style Manual.

Submission requirements are not met. Tone and/or style are not appropriate for the audience.

The paper is poorly organized and difficult to follow. There are significant grammatical and/or spelling errors.

The paper is adequately organized and the ideas are clearly expressed. There are a few grammatical and/or spelling errors.

The paper is well-organized and the ideas are clearly expressed. The paper is free of grammatical and spelling errors and follows the margin, font, and page specifications.

Total Possible Points

0 points

5 points

12.5 points

20 points


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