PHIL1310: Persuasion through Evidence

Help me study for my Philosophy class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

Assignment 9.1: Persuasion through Evidence

  • Due Feb 9 by 9:59pm
  • Points 90
  • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
  • Available Nov 24, 2019 at 10pm – Feb 9 at 9:59pm 3 months


Students will create the fifth part of their research manuscript.


  • Evaluate the truth and validity of an argument.


  1. Argue a position on a significant issue pertaining to your chosen topic for your research manuscript. Your claim should be clearly stated with adequate support. Consider other perspectives when making your position and clearly show why you believe your position is more logical, sensible, useful, or appealing than the opposition’s viewpoint.
  2. Use print sources, electronic sources, and – if possible – an interview with an informed individual to support your claims.
  3. On a page separate from your paper, identify the audience to whom you are addressing your argument and explain why members will benefit from understanding your position.
  4. Within the paper, or in an accompanying note, explain why the issue is important to you so that your classmates and instructor can be aware of the nature of your expertise and any possible biases.
  5. Make sure to apply the information found in your lectures and readings.

Assignment Submission

  • The use of outside resources is strongly recommended and all papers must be cited and written in APA format.
  • Once you have completed the assignment, click the Submit Assignment option in the menu to the right and select a format for submitting your assignment.
  • Click the Submit Assignment button when you are ready.


Writing Assignments Rubric_2017

Writing Assignments Rubric_2017




This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Assignment Ideas

18.0 pts Ideas are clear, insightful, thought-provoking, and focused so that they consistently support the topic, thesis and audience for the paper.

15.0 pts Ideas are clear and focused to support the topic and a clearly-stated central idea, but are not consistently insightful or thought-provoking.

12.0 pts Ideas are clear but conventional or general, and support the topic, thesis, and audience for the paper.

9.0 pts Ideas are unclear or clichéd and demonstrate a lack of focus in support of the topic or a central idea, which may be vague or missing.

18.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Assignment Development

18.0 pts Development is fresh, with abundant details and examples that arouse audience interest and provide relevant, concrete, specific and insightful evidence in support of sound logic.

15.0 pts Development is adequate, but may lack depth, with details and examples that arouse audience interest and provide relevant, concrete, specific evidence in support of sound logic.

12.0 pts Development is sufficient but general, providing adequate but perhaps not interesting details, examples, and evidence that include no logical fallacies or unsupported claims.

9.0 pts Development is insufficient, providing scarce or inappropriate details, evidence, and examples that may include logical fallacies or unsupported claims.

18.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Organization

18.0 pts Organization is coherent, unified and effective in support of the paper’s purpose/ plan and consistently demonstrates effective and appropriate rhetorical transitions between ideas and paragraphs.

15.0 pts Organization is coherent, unified and effective in support of the paper’s purpose/ plan and usually demonstrates effective and appropriate rhetorical transitions between ideas and paragraphs

12.0 pts Organization is coherent and unified overall in support of the essay’s purpose/ plan, but is ineffective at times and may demonstrate abrupt or weak transitions between ideas or paragraphs.

9.0 pts Organization is confused and fragmented in support of the essay’s purpose/ plan and demonstrates a lack of structure or coherence that negatively affects readability.

18.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Style & Mechanics

18.0 pts Readable and rhetorically effective in tone, incorporating varied sentence structure, precise word choice and correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. (Mastery of style)

15.0 pts Style is readable and rhetorically effective in tone, incorporating varied sentence structure, effective word choice, and correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. (Effective style)

12.0 pts Style is readable, but unremarkable in tone, sometimes including a lack of sentence variety effective word choice, or some distracting, but not serious, errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation. (Readable but inconsistent style)

9.0 pts Style is incoherent or inappropriate in tone, including a lack of sentence variety, ineffective or inappropriate word choice, and serious errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation. (Ineffective style)

18.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Format

18.0 pts Format is correct, meets all assignment directions, and works expertly to support the essay’s purpose/plan.

15.0 pts Format is correct, meets all assignment directions, and works generally to support the essay’s purpose/plan.

12.0 pts Format is mostly correct, meets critical aspects of assignment directions, and works mostly to support the essay’s purpose/ plan.

9.0 pts Format is faulty, does not meet sufficient aspects of the assignment direction, and does not support the essay’s purpose/ plan.

18.0 pts

Total Points: 90.0


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