Respond to Simone Weil claims that Adolf Hitler’s ideology of “force” is “the only conclusion that can reasonably be drawn from the conception of the…

    Respond to Simone Weil claims that Adolf Hitler’s ideology of “force” is “the only conclusion that can reasonably be drawn from the conception of the world contained in our science” (237-238).  What exactly does she mean?  Is she right? 

    Begin “In his Mein Kampf (“My Struggle”), Adolf Hitler argues that…”  Summarize with brief quotation Hitler’s argument that “force reigns everywhere and supreme over weakness” (qtd. in Weil 237).  Then state Weil’s claim that Hitler’s is “the only conclusion that can reasonably be drawn from the conception of the world contained in our science” (237-238). Conclude your first paragraph by stating whether Weil’s claim is correct or incorrect and why. Your essay will prove that why.       

    However, before you prove Simone Weil correct or incorrect, you need to give her arguments a fair hearing. So after your introductory paragraph, compose a background paragraph that gives a synopsis of Weil’s argument that science assumes that “force rules supreme over all natural phenomena” and thus over us as well (238).   

    Once you have completed that background, proceed to your argument. Argue specifically from recent or distant scientific examples to prove Simone Weil right or wrong.  What in fact is “the conception of the world contained in our science” (238)?  Do not use the phrase “for example.”  Make your evidence integral to your essay.  

   Close by bringing the discussion into the present.  Be specific.  Make your argument relevant to us in 2017.   

MLA format, with an original title, parenthetical citations, and an additional works cited page. 

Need answer in 24 hours maximum.

According to Simone Weil, Adolf Hitler’s ideology stated that the judgment of a person race isthrough spiritual energy which a person is capable of putting forth, but not judging by merely…


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