response to dq 1

Response to below DQ 150 word with one scholarly source less than 5 years old with 1 citation APA format

Vulnerable populations are often overlooked, due to many reasons (Brantley, Kerrigan, German, Lim, & Sherman, 2017). However, as providers it is unacceptable to not be educated on the resources available, and educating ourselves on how to address the many medical issues they may have. There will be occasions when we will have to treat, and address, their medical concerns. Therefore, there are many resources available, both federal and non-profit.

As there are many federal programs aimed at vulnerable women there are a few that are relevant to my area. Michigan Department of Community Health have many programs to assist those that are in need women services. Additionally, the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS) have developed programs aimed specifically at pregnant women. Development of the Maternity outpatient medical services (MOMS) program by MDHHS is to assist in providing health coverage for pregnant or newly pregnant women in Michigan. This way all prenatal and postpartum services will be covered (Michigan Department of Health & Human Services, n.d.).

A great non-profit is the patient access foundation (PAN). They help those that have trouble affording their insurance find additional assistance in making those costs decrease or eliminate them entirely (PAN Foundation, n.d.). In the Kalamazoo area, there are also many churches that offer housing to all vulnerable populations, but they give special access to pregnant women and children.

Access to affordable healthcare is often the main barrier that prevents those vulnerable populations from coming to us for the medical help they need (Rostami, Charland, & Memon, 2018). Therefore, having a well-versed knowledge of these programs could be the difference maker. Our initial encounter can make the difference between a repeat visit, or our patients never seeking medical care again until it is too late. Not knowing enough to help vulnerable patients is not acceptable in this profession.


Brantley, M. L., Kerrigan, D., German, D., Lim, S., & Sherman, S. G. (2017). Identifying Patterns of Social and Economic Hardship Among Structurally Vulnerable Women: A Latent Class Analysis of HIV/STI Risk. AIDS And Behavior, 21(10), 3047–3056.

Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (n.d.). Health Care Programs Eligibility. Retrieved from,5885,7-339-71547_…


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