Tell us what characteristics of Loma Linda University are particularly attractive and meaningful to you and why you have chosen to apply for advanced education. (4000 characters max)Loma Linda Univers

Tell us what characteristics of Loma Linda University are particularly attractive and meaningful to you and why you have chosen to apply for advanced education. (4000 characters max)

Loma Linda University is a health science university and part of the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s system of higher education. It provides an environment for learning that emphasizes individual commitment to Christ, personal integrity, intellectual development, and community service. Loma Linda University is part of an international Christian organization, dedicated to providing for the medical and spiritual needs of people in all countries. LLU School of Dentistry students are encouraged to adopt the love of learning and the spirit of inquiry modeled by its faculty. Because the profession of dentistry is benefiting from the current advances in technology and materials, LLUSD was the first of three American dental schools with a dedicated innovation center—The Hugh Love Center for Research & Education in Technology. This Center, along with an all-new Center for Dental Research, enables our students to achieve a functional familiarity with the leading-edge tools of their profession, a hands-on appreciation for research, and the ability to provide exceptional, research-based oral healthcare. The School’s administration is focused on providing an academic and clinical curriculum that anticipates shifting requirements for the delivery of optimal oral healthcare to a growing, diverse, 21st century patient population. The School of Dentistry’s curriculum integrates an evidence-based didactic and clinical practicum with classes taught from a Christian perspective that optimize students’ abilities to deliver life-enhancing, whole-person care to patients as well as make positive, extra-professional contributions to their communities. Our growing interprofessional education program familiarizes our students with the various health professions they will consult with or refer to as practitioners.

Discuss how your spiritual origins, development, and experience have influenced and been integrated into your daily life. (4000 characters max)

[If space allows, you should open with an epiphany, the moment when you grasped the importance of your faith. This often occurs during times of stress, grief, relief, or transformation. Show how your faith helped you navigate a difficult situation. Then transition into the ways you’ve applied your faith since the epiphany. Perhaps show the value of faith during other challenging moments or explain how you’ve used your faith to help others face similar problems. It’d be wise to illustrate your faith’s role in your academic success, at least in terms of relieving stress or refocusing your efforts. Ultimately, you should show faith as something that provides balance and purpose in your life.]

Tell us the desirable qualities that you see in yourself that you believe would aid us in considering your application. (4000 characters max)

[With your limited space, you should share 1-2 qualities that match their mission ( ) (such as “service,” “developing the whole person,” or “reaching the world”). Prove these characteristics through examples of your past work and experiences. After establishing how you’ll fit into Loma Linda, you should also show how you’ll add to the school’s diversity. If you’re a Seventh-day Adventist, suggest 1-2 ways that your faith and religious practices differ from the norm. If you have a separate faith altogether, assert 1-2 ways that your unique perspective could enhance Loma Linda’s values or goals. When explaining your “diversity,” try to convey a synergy with the school’s culture despite the apparent differences that exist.]

LLU believes deeply in integrating spiritual values into the educational experience. As a result, religion courses and chapel attendance are part of the curriculum. Tell us why you believe such a faith-based education would be of special benefit to you. (4000 characters max)

[it’s not that tough to find a Christian virtue that relates to medicine: helping the poor and sick, aiding the “least of our brothers,” openly accepting all people, sacrificing for others, exhibiting compassion, humility, and forgiveness. These are just a few. In your response, indicate how learning more about Christian faith will strengthen your medical knowledge and practice. For example, Christ’s apostle Luke, one of the Gospel writers, is credited as a doctor in the Bible. Catholics even treat him as the patron saint of physicians and surgeons, which shows Christ’s affinity for healing, also exhibited through the “miracles” he performed on blind men, lepers, and cripples. In your essay, you could refute the misconception of faith and science as opposing forces and illustrate the power of them working together. focus on how further exposure to those values will aid in your understanding of medicine and healing.]


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