The data are for the US from the first quarter in 2006 to the first quarter in 2014. Given RGDP as the dependent variable: Quarter RGDP t CONS t-1…
The data are for the US from the first quarter in 2006 to the first quarter in 2014. Given RGDP as the dependent variable:
Quarter RGDPt CONSt-1 INVt-1 EXPSt-1
Q1.2006 14546.4 9722.7 2773.8 1478.4
Q2.2006 14591.6 9774.2 2755.7 1505.4
Q3.2006 14604.4 9833.4 2727.6 1502.2
Q4.2006 14718.4 9929.2 2663 1563.7
Q1.2007 14728.1 9987.1 2638.5 1586.5
Q2.2007 14841.5 10020.4 2674.7 1614.4
Q3.2007 14941.5 10060.1 2658.1 1671.2
Q4.2007 14996.1 10074.5 2605.2 1717.1
Q1.2008 14895.4 9853.018 2517.5 1738.7
Q2.2008 14969.2 9871.54 2472.6 1788.4
Q3.2008 14895.1 9793.826 2403.8 1772.8
Q4.2008 14574.6 9678.676 2190 1667.4
Q1.2009 14372.1 9646.728 1937.7 1534.8
Q2.2009 14356.9 9605.47 1820.5 1537.5
Q3.2009 14402.5 10059.954 1804.7 1588.7
Q4.2009 14540.2 10061.178 1949.6 1674.2
Q1.2010 14597.7 10113.708 2012.9 1700.4
Q2.2010 14738 10195.206 2116.9 1739.3
Q3.2010 14839.3 10063.7 2185.7 1784.9
Q4.2010 14942.4 10169 2166.1 1837.7
Q1.2011 14894 10221.3 2124.3 1854.7
Q2.2011 15011.3 10258.9 2196.1 1876.9
Q3.2011 15062.1 10311.9 2209.9 1908.9
Q4.2011 15242.1 10373.1 2368.2 1921.7
Q1.2012 15381.6 10447.8 2427.8 1941.4
Q2.2012 15427.7 10496.8 2418 1959.8
Q3.2012 15534 10541 2456.5 1961.6
Q4.2012 15539.6 10584.8 2441.8 1967
Q1.2013 15583.9 10644 2470.1 1960.5
Q2.2013 15679.7 10691.9 2524.9 1998.4
Q3.2013 15839.3 10744.2 2627.2 2017.6
Q4.2013 15942.3 10831.5 2643.3 2063.7
Q1.2014 15902.9 10914.4 2562.4 2032.1
(a) Perform a correlation analysis for the three explanatory variables
(b) Perform a multiple regression of RGDP on the other three variables. Provide comments on the results, including the significances of a1, a2, and a3, R2, adjusted R2, and the standard error of regression.
2. Write the estimated equation for the regression results for exercise 1, enter the standard errors below the estimated coefficients, adding the adjusted R2 next to the equation. Obtain the point prediction for the second quarter of the year 2014
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