watch the video and write about it 3 pages dont use out side sources
First, read the entire assignment directions. Then next, watch the PBS-NOVA Documentary “Secrets of the Viking Sword”. It is a free source and publicly available. No need to sign in. While watching, pause often and take notes where appropriate on the different aspects that are relevant to the question on hand. This is not an particularly easy assignment and I expect you to spend time and effort on it. (Links to an external site.)
What are all the Marketing related terms and concepts that you were able to glean from the documentary? These concepts would not be spelled in as many words, but I expect you to interpret them given the context.
Here is an abbreviated example: Build a superior product (the first P) and customers will beat a path to your door (better mousetrap). The Product/production era. The Ulfberht was “cutting edge” technology and was the best in its league.
There are many such marketing concepts that you can talk about. Do not restrict it to just a discussion of the 4Ps. Please make references to the documentary when you write about them. Also, make connections to International marketing as the Vikings used these swords for trade or to attack foreign nations.
This will be an interesting assignment and I hope to get some really good and illuminating/reflective answers.
Here is an example of how you would write/expand your answer:
The first “P” of marketing is PRODUCT. In the product era of marketing, all that the manufacturer had to do was produce. As long as the manufacturer was producing a high quality product, it would sell (you can have a Ford car in any color, as long as it was black). Also, customers would have to wait a long time after paying, in order to get their order fulfilled. Similarly, the Viking Sword Ulfbehrt, was cutting edge technology and was not manufactured in large numbers. Supply was limited and was probably expensive. Therefore, it was in high demand by the rich and ambitious warriors (customers). In the production era, a manufacturer had to build a better mousetrap. There were enough mousetraps in the market and customers were picky. They knew which one was the best and would demand the best. The Ulfbehrt was the best sword and its performance meant the difference between life and death for the wielder. So warriors wanted the better sword. Just seeing the name on the sword afforded special status and respect to the warrior who carried it and it also made the opponent weak in the knees even before starting the battle.
You need to be very detailed and descriptive. The more you write, the more you are able to convey. There is NO word limit on this assignment.
There are several Marketing concepts in the documentary. These concepts have been dealt with in both your MKT 485 text and in MKT 301 (which all of you had to take as a prerequisite for this course). So go dig through your text(s) and write this essay. DUE ON November 11, 2018
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