2 abstracts


The research paper is an original essay presenting your ideas in response to information found in library sources. As you gather research material, your ever-increasing knowledge of a topic will allow you to make informed judgments and original interpretations. At each stage of research, you will have a complete idea of what you have already found and what you are looking for. Midway through the process, the writing tasks of creating a review of the literature and a proposal will help you focus the direction of your research. This chapter addresses both the technical skills of finding and recording information and the intellectual skills of understanding the material, developing original ideas, and making informed judgments.


You are required to select three different topics in the field of Architecture or urban design, and prepare abstract and keywords for all of them.

Submission regulation;

Abstract :

All the 2 proposals must have an abstract, which should not exceed one page; should be single-spaced and not paragraphed. The abstract should consist of a precise spectrum of the entire proposal including the problem, objectives and methodology and data analysis methods.

Research Questions:

A list of questions (3-5) that might be raised during the research and the researcher will work to answer some of them.


Minimum three keywords for each Research Topic

video game what if zelda was a girl 1

Those of you in the know can laugh and point out to your classmates the oddity of the question, but it is indeed a T-shirt and a meme (clue: Zelda IS a girl– the male protagonist of those games is Link). The question, while miss-placed, is a solid one, however. Does changing the gender of a protagonist do major work for a game? Think about popular current games and ask yourself how the game would change if the main character was female (or if you want to go the other direction, think about a game like Horizon: Zero Dawn if the hero was male). Use what you’ve learned this week to make your case.


MLA style.

reading discussion heart berries by terese marie mailhot

Book: Heart Berries by Terese Marie Mailhot (use any online sources and no need to cite them!)

– Please answer questions regarding your choice for the 1st 8 Week Book.

– Answer any three questions from the list for your book.

Questions for Heart Berries

  1. Does the process of writing her memoir generate for Mailhot a burgeoning sense of redemption? Does her story follow the typical arc from suffering to happiness or not.
  2. In a Q&A with Joan Naviyuk Kane, Mailhot insists that she doesn’t “feel liberated from the governing presence of tragedy.… [W]e are not liberated from injustice; we’re anchored to it.” What does she mean? Can anything reverse or correct the injustices done to indigenous people?
  3. Think about what we have learned about ethos so far. What strategies does Mailhot employ to make her reader trust what she is saying is true? What makes Mailhot a credible narrator?
  4. Think about what we have learned about pathos so far. What strategies does Mailhot employ to make her readers feel a certain emotion in her work?

after watching your film you will need to identify three specific concepts from class that are illustrated in this film

Examples of what we talked about in class: bystander effect, social comparison theory, the social self, attributions, social conditioning, social influence, self-perception, cognitive dissonance, etc

concerns covering presidntal election of 1864

In the midst of the war, the Union held a presidential election, with incumbent Republican Abraham Lincoln squaring off against the Democratic candidate George McClellan. Shortly after Lincoln’s reelection and inauguration, however, he was assassinated, serving only a little more than a month of his second term.

Using the readings and film as evidence, consider the following in a post of at least 250 words:
•What were the main political issues facing the candidates in the 1864 presidential election?
•Based upon your research, was Lincoln’s reelection in 1864 seriously in question?

chem post lab

Hello there, I need help on my post lab. It is for Elimination experiment.

300 word hr in the international firm

Human Resource Management in the International Firm: The Framework

The principle of internal consistency refers to the way in which the HR practices work together and with other parts of the work organization. How would a company develop a program that reflects the local cultural environment of India as compared to the parent organization’s overall values? How might cultural views on ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, and disability impact the program? What strategies could a company devise to overcome biases in management style and communication that could adversely affect employee retention and organizational decision making? How could the company counter the type of bias found in India that relates to an aging workforce, religion, gender, and reverse discrimination?

Your responses should be a minimum of 300 words. Provide scholarly sources to support your response

just fix the mistakes that i have in my essay you will find my essay in the attachment below

Just fix the mistakes that I have in my essay you will find my essay in the attachment below Thanks

three debates responses

Write responses for debate 9.2 10.2 10.3.

First, before reading the debate, note if you are for or against the statement (before reading the debate, do you agree more with the pro or con position?). Then note if your position changed or remained the same after you read the debate (after reading the debate, do you agree more with the pro or con position?) Give any insights on the debate or debate topic.

essay format assignment

I’m attaching a picture of the topics and the directions how to do it. you can choose one topic and write it about.