Do you believe that ERM will continue to evolve, and if so, how?

I’m stuck on a Computer Science question and need an explanation.

Do you believe that ERM will continue to evolve, and if so, how?

2. Do believe that risk is a two-sided coin with both upside gains and downside losses?

3. How is value measured in your organization and do you believe the ERM process can add new value?

4. Besides risk maps and value maps, what other tools and techniques are available to manage risk and make risk-informed decisions?

You are required to respond to the questions thoroughly, in 250 -to-300 words for each question. Be sure to include at least three reference sources. APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed.

Im more so wanting to know what you guess think these answers would be so i can compare them to mine and make sure I have a good understanding of…

Im more so wanting to know what you guess think these answers would be so i can compare them to mine and make sure I have a good understanding of them.


If elasticity of demand is equal to one, the good or services would be

A.) Inelastic

B.) Unitarily elastic

C.) Elastic

D.) Consumers willingness to purchase goods or services


What type of demand curve does a perfectly competitive market structure face?

A.) Perfectly inelastic curve 

B.) Upward sloping demand curve

C.) Perfectly elastic demand curve

D.) Downward sloping demand curve


Which type of market structure maximizes profits at the point in which marginal revenue equals marginal cost?

A.) Monopolies

B.) Natural monolpolies 

C.) Oligopolies

D.) Perfect and imperfect market structure


Which types or market structure are more prominet in teh united states?

A.) Monopolies

B.) Monopolies and oligoplies

C.) Perfectly competitive market structure and monopolstic competitive market structures

D.) Monopolstic market structures and olipolies


For an imperfect market structure, if marginal revenue (MR) > marginal cost (MC), the firm will do the following:

A.) Remain at the same level of production

B.) increase output

C.) decrease output

D.) shutdown

“Transactional Communication Model.” Please respond to the following: Scenario: You are attending a town council meeting where you meet community leader Fran Richardson who is influential in the tran

Transactional Communication Model.”  Please respond to the following:Scenario: You are attending a town council meeting where you meet community leader Fran Richardson who is influential in the transportation business. You and Richardson obviously have a lot in common and your conversation is animated and friendly. As a manager in an engineering firm, you know that Richardson could be a valuable contact. Your conversation is interrupted with the start of the meeting. Richardson says to you, “Let’s meet for lunch. I’ll call you soon.”  Students will respond to the following:Apply the transactional communication model to the above scenario, when you met community leader Fran Richardson. Using each of the model’s elements:

  • Explain each component of the transactional communication model.
  • Assess how each element listed below influences the interpretation of a message’s meaning:
    • Sender
    • Receiver
    • Channel
    • Message
    • Feedback
    • Noise
    • Context
    • Simultaneous and Continuous

Add more details on an existing essay (Studying Abroad)

I’m studying for my English class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?


I want you to read this essay and add more details that make sense and fits with what is already written. Add more details to the intro and all other paragraphs and change some words/sentences if necessary. **But don’t change what the essay is about** it is about the challenges I faced and what i learned from studying abroad.

Bellow is attached the essay. Please read the essay fully THEN start to apply changes and add more words and ideas. *Has to be 750 words*

Thank you

DQ for social research and statistics

If you decided to do a survey, why, or under what conditions, would you choose to do a self-administered questionnaire as opposed to a face-to-face interview with subjects, a telephone survey, or an email survey? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of survey? After you have answered this question, read the responses of your fellow students and discuss them. Ask questions about points you do not understand, explain why you think they are mistaken about some advantage or disadvantage, and add something that they did not mention. 


Application security

I’m trying to study for my Article Writing course and I need some help to understand this question.

Question 2


Always Fresh is expanding. The company is adding another application server and several workstations. As the IT infrastructure grows, it becomes more difficult to manage the added computers and devices.

Consider the Windows servers and workstations in each of the domains of a typical IT infrastructure. Based on your understanding of Group Policy, determine possible Group Policy Objects that will make it easier to manage groups of computers. Focus on common aspects of groups of computers, such as permissions for workstations or printers defined for use by groups of users.


Recommend Group Policy Objects for the Always Fresh environment in a summary report to management. You must defend your choices with valid rationale.

Required Resources

  • Internet access
  • Course textbook
  • Format: Microsoft Word (or compatible)
  • Font: Arial, size 12, double-space
  • Citation Style: Follow your school’s preferred style guide
  • Length: 2 to 4 pages
  • I provided adequate recommendations for Group Policy Objects.
  • I created a well-developed and formatted report with proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  • I followed the submission guidelines.

44 mins ago

I need this question

answer ASAP

(5 points) The US Navy is building an aircraft carrier. Price: $12 billion. There are about 300 million people in the US.

3.(5 points) The US Navy is building an aircraft carrier. Price: $12 billion. There are about 300 million people in the US. Suppose half the population has a marginal benefit of this aircraft carrier equal to $100 each. The other half has a marginal benefit of the aircraft carrier equal to -$30 each. (That is, they’d be willing to pay up to $30 to NOT build the carrier.) Should the aircraft carrier be built?4.(15 points) The US government funds basic research at universities through agencies such as the National Science Foundation or the National Institute of Health. How is our discussion of public goods is relevant to such funding? Write a mini-essay of approximately 300 words in which you clearly describe your thoughts.5.(20 points) Lewis and Martin are successful comedians who get utility (U) from consumption (C). They each have the same utility function U(C)=ln(C), where ln is the natural logarithm. (This function, like the square root function used in the lecture, also demonstrates decreasing marginal utility of consumption. You can find the natural logarithm on any scientific calculator or google can calculate it too.) They each have income of $1000. As is common with celebrities, occasionally they get sued for a variety of transgressions. The costs of going to court are $500. There is a 10% chance that Lewis goes to court, and 25% that Martin goes to court. There is an insurance product called “liability insurance” that can protect individuals against lawsuits.a.Calculate the expected consumption and expected utility for each.b.Calculate the risk premium and actuarially fair insurance premium for full insurance for each. That is, an insurance policy that replaces 100% of the lost consumption.c.Suppose the insurance company is unable to distinguish between the riskiness of Lewis and Martin. What would the actuarially fair premium be if the government required them to buy the insurance? (Liability insurance is often required for certain enterprises.)d.If Lewis and Martin were not required to buy insurance, what would happen to the market? Be specific about who gets insurance and how much it could cost.6.(30 points) Suppose a society contains two individuals. Joe, who smokes, and Tanya, who does not. They each have the same utility function U(C)=ln(C). If they are healthy, they will each get to consume their income of $15,000. If they need medical attention, they will have to spend $10,000, leaving them $5,000 for conumption. Smokers have a 12% chance of needing medical attention, and nonsmokers have a 2% chance.An insurance company is willing to insure Joe and Tanya. The twist here is that the insurance company offers two different kinds of policies. One policy is called the “low deductible,” (L) for which the insurance company will pay any medical costs over $3,000. The other is a “high deductible,” (H) for which the insurance company will pay any medical costs over $8000.a.What is the actuarially fair premium for each type of policy for Joe and Tanya?b.If the insurance company can determine who smokes and who does not, and they charge the actuarially fair prices to each, what policy will Joe select? Tanya? (Think carefully about calculating expected utilities for each under the different policies.)c.Now, suppose that the insurer cannot determine who smokes and who doesn’t. The insurer sets prices for each product. The price of L is $840 and the price of H is $40. (Why did I choose these numbers?) What will Joe and Tanya choose to do? Will adverse selection push Tanya out of the market? [Hint: No.] Calculate the total expected utility for our society under this outcome.d.What has happened here? What does the second policy option accomplish?e.Suppose the government were to intervene and provide full insurance at a single price and charge everyone the same actuarially fair amount. How would the total social utility compare to that of part c? (Ignore any moral hazard or other unintended consequences.)

Alchian (1950) quotes Tintner who advanced the most powerful argument against the neoclassical assumption of highly rational, profit maximizing…

  1. Alchian (1950) quotes Tintner who advanced the most powerful argument against the neoclassical assumption of highly rational, profit maximizing entrepreneurs. Tintner’s proof contained which argument(s):

Just after reviewing a large stack of catalogs, Strawberry Hill Gallery has brainstormed a list of possible new products.

Just after reviewing a large stack of catalogs, Strawberry Hill Gallery has brainstormed a list of possible new products. They will now begin the first idea-reducing stage called ________ to arrive at a realistic number to purchase for resale.

12 Angry Men and Groupthink

Due Date: May 07, 2017 23:59:59       Max Points: 100Details:

View the movie, 12 Angry Men (1957), Orion-Nova Productions.

Write a paper of 500-750 words in which you do the following:

  1. Discuss patterns of persuasion, conformity, and minority influence seen in the film.
  2. Analyze issues of prejudice observed while watching the jurors deliberate.
  3. Determine if there was evidence of cognitive heuristics. If so, where/how did it occur?
  4. Interpret the catalyst of change that resulted in the outcome of the film, based on your perceptions.
  5. Discuss if the group in the film demonstrate group polarization, or if they were at risk for groupthink.
  6. Include specific examples from the film to support your ideas/claims. Be sure to include proper APA citations for your examples.

You must include two to three peer reviewed scholarly sources to support your claims in you writings.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.