summary for reading page 11-19—–at least 600 words

write a summary for reading page 11-19 and ATR reading_1 . Just summarize the reading, do not write about the personal views. Thank you.

I also upload the sample summary. 

1. What is a price taker? Discuss the assumptions that are made in order to obtain the perfectly competitive model. 2. Define the short-run

1. What is a price taker? Discuss the assumptions that are made in order to obtain the perfectly competitive model.

2. Define the short-run break-even price. What are economic profits at this price? Why would a firm be willing to operate permanently at this price? 

3. An upscale bistro in a small town charges higher prices for the same menu items at dinner time than at lunch time. Does the bistro necessarily practice price discrimination? Explain your answer.

4. What is the social cost of a monopoly? Explain.

5. Explain why the amount that firms spend on advertising depends upon the characteristics of their products.

Short answers Case Study

Help me study for my Marketing class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

Instructions for the students:

  • This assignment is an individual assignment.
  • All students are encouraged to use their own word.
  • Your Assignment must include:
  • Assignment must be in Word format only no PDF.
  • Your file should be saved as Word Doc.
  • A “References” section listing all sources included. And ensure that you follow the APA style in your report.
  • A mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes copying from other resource without referencing it.
  • A mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes copying from other resource without referencing it.
  • A cover page that contains the following:
    • A title that well represents the content of your report.

    [Example] [Nouf Ahmed] [21040] ECOM 301 – Case Study.doc

    Bab-CS discussion and Nithin PM discussion2

    I need an explanation for this Computer Science question to help me study.

    Task 1:

    Discuss the importance of user technology security education within organizations. What topics should be included in security education and training?

    words :250

    Task 2 :

    Read the case study “To Bid or Not to Bid” on page 1011 and then answer the questions on page 1012.

    words :250(attached textbook)

    Rey Writer

    Please ask me any question before you start and do not do anything extra before asking me.

    Thank you!

    SOC313: Social Implications of Medical Issues (CGF1711A)- Wk1 Discussion 1

    Developmental Theories as They Relate to Chronic Conditions

    Prior to completing this discussion, read the Bronfenbrenner Ecological theory in Chapter 1 of our textbook, the Schneiderman (2004) article, “Psychosocial, Behavioral, and Biological Aspects of Chronic Diseases,” the Kondrat (2013) article “Person In Environment” and review the Instructor Guidance.  Watch the videos below to get an understanding of the Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model and Erik Erikson’s Biopsychosocial Model.

    1. Choose one of the following chronic conditions: 
      1. Cancer
      2. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
      3. Hypertension (High blood pressure)
      4. Diabetes
      5. Arthritis 
    2. Describe how the chronic condition leads to changes in behaviors, disability, and morbidity.
    3. Review the three theories (Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological theory, Biopsychosocial, Person-In-Environment) in the Instructor Guidance and/or the videos in the resources list, and discuss the following in your initial post.
      1. Consider one system in Bronfenbrenner’s theory, what system would have the greatest positive impact in managing the disease?  Explain your answer.
      2. Consider Biopsychosocial Model, which aspects of biological, psychological, and social domains are most important to understanding and promoting the patient’s health?  Explain your answer.
      3. Consider the Person-In-Environment system, how should the environment change to improve the person’s ability to live with the disease and vice versa?

    Your initial contribution should be a minimum 150 words in length.  Support your claims with research from at least one scholarly source beyond your textbook.  Use proper APA formatting for in-text citations and references as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

    At least 150 words Using APA Correctly in Your Papers Citing sources correctly is essential for a researcher! Let’s discuss common APA questions and fears. • Please post your questions about in-text citations and reference pages. • If you think APA is d

    At least 150 words

    Using APA Correctly in Your Papers

    Citing sources correctly is essential for a researcher! Let’s discuss common APA questions and fears.

    ·         Please post your questions about in-text citations and reference pages. 

    ·         If you think APA is difficult, what makes it so?

    Strategic Management

    I need support with this Management question so I can learn better.

    Part 1:

    (Attached Below) Review Case 4: Costco Wholesale in 2016: Mission, Business Model, and Strategy Case Study in your textbook and the following videos

    Answer the following:

    1. What is Costco’s business model? Is the company’s business model appealing? Why or why not?

    2. What are the chief elements of Costco’s strategy? How good is the strategy?

    3. Do you think Jim Sinegal was an effective CEO? What grades would you give him in leading the process of crafting and executing Costco’s strategy? What support can you offer for these grades? How well is Craig Jelinek performing as Sinegal’s successor? Refer to Figure 2.1 in Chapter 2 in developing your answers.

    4. What core values or business principles did Jim Sinegal stress at Costco?

    5. (In the event you have covered Chapter 3) What is competition like in the North American wholesale club industry? Which of the five competitive forces is strongest and why? Use the information in Figures 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8 (and the related discussions in Chapter 3) to do a complete five-forces analysis of

    competition in the North American wholesale club industry.

    6. How well is Costco performing from a financial perspective? Do some number-crunching using the data in case Exhibit 1 to support your answer. Use the financial ratios presented in Table 4.1 of Chapter 4 (pages 66-68) to help you diagnose Costco’s financial performance.

    7. Based on the data in case Exhibits 1 and 4, is Costco’s financial performance superior to that at Sam’s Club and BJ’s Wholesale?

    8. Does the data in case Exhibit 2 indicate that Costco’s expansion outside the U.S. is financially successful?

    Why or why not?

    9. How well is Costco performing from a strategic perspective? Does Costco enjoy a competitive advantage over Sam’s Club? Over BJ’s Wholesale? If so, what is the nature of its competitive advantage? Does Costco

    have a winning strategy? Why or why not?

    10. Are Costco’s prices too low? Why or why not?

    11. What do you think of Costco’s compensation practices? Does it surprise you that Costco employees apparently are rather well-compensated?

    12. What recommendations would you make to Costco top management regarding how best to sustain the company’s growth and improve its financial performance?

    Part 2:

    Using the financial ratios provided in Table 4.1 and the financial statement information presented below for Costco Wholesale Corporation.

    Calculate the following ratios for Costco for both 2013 and 2014:

    • a. Gross profit margin
    • b. Operating profit margin
    • c. Net profit margin.
    • d. Times interest earned coverage
    • e. Return on shareholders’ equity
    • f. Return on assets
    • g. Debt-to-equity ratio
    • h. Days of inventory
    • i. Inventory turnover ratio
    • j. Average collection period

    Writing Requirements

    • APA format,
    • 4 pages in length (excluding cover page, abstract, and reference list)
    • Research and cite and reference at least 3 peer reviewed journal article

    How to write an essay for the Humanities about artist “El Marian” ? min 600 words

    Can you help me understand this Writing question?


    The essay will be four (4) paragraphs and (600) words long.

    You will document only the image or the song. Citation should be MLA format.

    • Use MLA style, which is normally used for the humanities, such as literature, religion, art, and music.
    • Double space, including the Works Cited page
    • One-inch margins all the way around, which is standard for Microsoft Word
    • Your essay must include the image you chose placed IN the essay (MLA).
    • Include a proper caption under the art (see example)
    • Your essay must include a Works Cited page. (Next blank page under the essay.)
    • You must include the heading requirements.
    • Check to ensure your paper is in Times New Roman, 12 pt font, double-spaced.
    • Make sure your essay is written in 3rd person voice–no I, me, my, you, your, you’re, we, us, or our. Use words like an individual, a person, one, he or she, a viewer, etc. (example: An individual can see OR One may notice the….)

    *** Must complete outline as well***

    follow outline attachment for essay steps

    I have selected the image already. the link below will take you to the image

    Trade as a Percentage of GDP :

    Trade as a Percentage of GDPCountries that pursued import substituting industrialization had low ratios of exports to GDP, while many countries in Asia that pursued alternative policies had high ratios. Consider how these ratios have changed over time for Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, the U.S. and Australia. First graph exports/GDP over time for each country, then make a separate graph where the ratios are indexed based on their values in 1965. That is, divide the ratios for each country by the value for that country in 1965. In which countries did exports grow over time?