MGT 512: The question and the expectations are included in the requirements section

I don’t understand this Management question and need help to study.

What is a virtual global management team? How do the members interact? Discuss the advantages and the challenges faced by these teams. Give some suggestions as to how to maximize the effectiveness of virtual teams across borders. If you have personal experiences here, share them with us.


  • Length: A minimum of 400 words, not including references
  • Citations: At least one high-level scholarly or professional reference in APA format

For your 5th Homework assignment your job is to choose which religion you will be researching for your 100 point Religion Research Paper.

I’m studying for my Foreign Languages class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

For your 5th Homework assignment your job is to choose which religion you will be researching for your 100 point Religion Research Paper. The religions you can choose from are listed below. If you are not sure which one to choose, do some research and see which one seems the most interesting to you. Remember, you cannot choose a religion you are a member of, so if you are a Christian you can’t research Christianity and if you are a Muslim you can’t research Islam, etc. Please try to choose a religion to study that you are actually interested in learning more about. For your essay you will be researching the origin and beliefs of your religion.


On Discussion Board, post the religion you will be researching and write a brief comment about why you chose that religion (the 200 word minimum does not apply to this assignment).

Religions to research for 100 point Final Essay:

* Origin of religion-Paleolithic Age
* Mesopotamian (Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Akkadian)
* Zoroastrianism

The Task You and your group will research an advanced telecommunications and network security topic. For the purpose of this paper, you can pick your own research topic as long as it relates to the ob

Advanced Telecommunication and Network Security Topic  (Cyber Security)

The Task You and your group will research an advanced telecommunications and network security topic. For the purpose of this paper, you can pick your own research topic as long as it relates to the objectives of this course. When you decide your topic, you need to obtain my approval. Your task is to write a report summarizing your research (about 6-10 pages). The writing should be original. Before you begin writing your report, you need to read as many references related to the subject as you can. Basically, you would feel a bit insecure writing about a topic until you have digested and completely understood several references. You will have a table of contents for the paper with sections as shown in the suggestions below:: • Abstract section summarizing your research • Introduction section: this section provides an overview or background of the topic and its purpose, including o Define the subject area and why is this subject important? • Body of work sections: o What are the key issues (pros/cons, if appropriate)? o Identify benefits, obstacles, innovations as appropriate o Methodology: key ideas, summaries, measures, analytical discussions, etc. • Conclusion section: analyze and summarize your findings, state your opinions, conclusions, recommendations. It is common for such a paper to suggest new ideas, critique some of the existing ideas, and propose some new directions. • References section: Sources and references need to be cited properly using APA format. Around 10 or more references is appropriate, some of which must be scholarly peerreviewed articles.


Write a bad news letter of one of the following

To: Members of English 202c

From: Gina

Subject: Bad News/ Adjustment Letter

Write a bad-news/ adjustment letter based on one of the following situations. Length is not a factor; you are done when you have appropriately communicated with your audience.  Please be sure to follow proper letter format and follow the guidelines to write a bad news letter. (See this week’s module)

  1. You are the owner of Nittany Consulting Group, and you recently interviewed two candidates for an entry-level technical writing position. Jeanette Student was the candidate not chosen. You must write a bad news letter telling her that she did not get the job. She was a good candidate, but not as qualified in the required computer programs as the other candidate. She also did not score as well on the editing test.

You must tell her that she did not get the job and why. You may be interested in hiring her in the future, so you want to remain cordial while also offering her helpful advice.

Make up names and addresses as needed.

  1. You are the Academic Dean of Nittany College. You don’t have enough new students enrolling in the Auctioneering and Sales Science degree program. Therefore, you are closing the major to all new students. Freshman and sophomores will no longer be allowed to choose this major. Write a bad news letter to students telling them about the decision, and that they will need to find a new major before the end of the semester.

Invent any reasonable details. Make up names and addresses as needed.

1250 words, double spaced, and in 12-point font.Students will choose two films form any of the films for this course that are in two different decades, from two different composers. (They can come fro

1250 words, double spaced, and in 12-point font.

Students will choose two films form any of the films for this course that are in two different decades, from two different composers. (They can come from the required list ) The paper will be a discussion of how the two composers use music and sound through the different functions of film music. You can use information about film scoring for these different decades from Reel Music or any outside sources. Just please cite your work! You are giving me your analysis of how film music has developed and changed or remained the same over time. Please choose two films that show a significant difference in the development of film music. (Usually this needs to be more than just 10 years.) DO NOT PICK TWO FILMS BY JOHN WILLIAMS! He has been composing for many decades but his basic style has not drastically changed. 

Select one film from the A list:

  • Ben-Hur (1959)
  • Casablanca
  • Chariots of Fire
  • Citizen Kane
  • Driving Miss Daisy
  • The Godfather
  • Goldfinger (1964)
  • Gone with the Wind (1939)
  • The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
  • The Graduate

And select one film from B list:

  • Close Encounters of the Third Kind
  • Far and Away
  • Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
  • Home Alone
  • Hook
  • Memoirs of a Geisha
  • Raiders of the Lost Ark
  • Schindler’s List
  • Star Wars: Episode V — The Empire Strikes Back
  • Superman (1978)

4) (12 pts) For the following payoif matrix, answer the following. Be sure to Justify your choice. Low Price High Price Low Price $200, $500 $600,

4) (12 pts) For the following payoif matrix, answer the following. Be sure to Justify your choice. Low Price High PriceLow Price $200, $500 $600, $600$0, $1300 $400, $1000 What is the outcome in this game?What price will Firm A charge? How much will they earn? What price will Firm B charge? How much will they earn

In 2008 the government issued new regulations that increased the amount of ethanol that had to be added to gasoline.

In 2008 the government issued new regulations that increased the amount of ethanol that had to be added to gasoline. These new regulations ____ the equilibrium price of ethanol and ____ the equilibrium quantity of ethanol.

Public Health Issue–Infant Death

I need an explanation for this Health & Medical question to help me study.

As a nation, the U.S. spends trillions of dollars on healthcare–more than twice per person than the average industrialized nation. The major issues and public health concerns that arise are unique to the particular community. Some of the most common issues include infant deaths, environmental and socioeconomic factors in the neighborhoods in which we live, infectious diseases, immigration, genetics and diet, employment-related stressors, and cost of medical care. For this assignment, you will identify an issue that is a public health concern in your community.

To complete this assignment, do the following:

  1. Browse the descriptions of the seven videos in the following video series and identify 2-3 videos that represent issues that your community faces.

    I chose When the Bough Breaks. Here is a brief story of the video. This is prevalent in my community. Link to the video below

The number of infants who die before their first birthday is much higher in the U.S. than in other countries. And, for African Americans, the rate is nearly twice as high than it is for white Americans. Even well-educated Black women have birth outcomes worse than white women who haven’t finished high school. Why is this the case? WHEN THE BOUGH BREAKS explores this topic.

  1. View the 2-3 videos that you identified in step 1.
  2. Of the public health issues identified in the videos, select the issue that is most prevalent in your community. This is the issue you will focus on throughout the course project.
  3. In a minimum of 2 pages, do the following:
    1. Identify the video that corresponds to the issue you chose to focus on.
    2. Write a synopsis of what was covered in the video.
    3. Explain why you believe this is an issue in your community and how you believe the issue began.
    4. Brainstorm possible solutions based on what you understand so far about public health policy.

    Grading Rubric- Public Health Issue



    Identified and explained choice for a public health issue that is plaguing student’s community.


    Brainstormed solutions based on understanding of public health.


    Met paper minimum of 2 pages and used APA formatting and proper spelling and grammar.



eng 1

Go to the ISO website (  Browse the home page.  What does ISO develop and publish?

Under “Common questions”, click on “What is a standard?”  Describe what a standard is and the benefits of ISO International Standards.

Go back to the ISO homepage.  Scroll down and under Popular Standards, click on “ISO 9000– Quality Management”.  Briefly talk about ISO9000 and ISO9001:2015.

Still under ISO9001:2015, scroll down to find under publications the link to a PDF document entitled “Quality Management Principles”. Click on that and read that document.  Discuss the seven quality management principles and some of the actions that can be taken under each of those 7 quality management principles.  Focus on those actions that most apply to drug manufacturing. Do your best to paraphrase. Do not cut and paste;

In order for you to start a small business, 1 manager (adopt reservation wage from savings) and 1 staff (adopt with no reservation wage) is needed….

Need help answering this activity. Please provide detailed answers and correctly labelled graphs.

In order for you to start a small business, 1 manager (adopt reservation wage from savings) and 1 staff(adopt with no reservation wage) is needed. 1. Enumerate the job responsibilities, working terms and conditions (no. of working hours, benefits, etc] that will be contained in their contracts. Specify situations why these contracts will be incomplete basedon the ideas of asymmetric information and principal-agent problem. 2. Examine the Philippine labor market and find out the anticipated salaries of your potential managerand staff. Based on your findings, model the Nash equilibrium (efficiency wage) per employee. Explainhow you came up with your best response curve (you can assume the effort level based onobservation/experience and reservation wage) and isocost line. Present them graphically (2 correctlylabelled graphs). 3. Calculate for the manager’s employment rent given that his reservation wage will only last him sixmonths. What happens to his efficiency wage when the government approves a law that unemploymentbenefit will be given to unemployed citizens? Explain and illustrate graphically (correctly labelled).